Friday, July 15, 2011

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Year: 1983
Director: Irwin Kershner

Notable Actors/Actresses
Mark Hamill
Harrison Ford
Carrie Fisher
Billy Dee Williams
James Earl Jones - voice of Darth Vader

Last Viewed: 7/3/11
Number of views: 50 or more
The finest film of all the episodes. The force will be brought back to balance thanks to Luke but first a rescue mission needs to take place. Han is held in Jabba's palace in the desert of Tatooine. It should look all too familiar from episode one where the podrace was held and Anakin won. All the players get into place to begin staging the rescue. R2-D2 plays a message from Luke to Jabba offering the two droids for Han. C3PO is not a fan of that idea and now is made to be part of the staff without the release of Han Solo.

A femine like bounty hunter heads over to where Han is being showcased and liberates him of the carbonite and offers comfort to Han. Leia reveals her identity and then Jabba places Han in the same holding cell as Chewbacca. Now Leia too becomes Jabba's lady luck in a pretty sexy ensemble and all chained up.

Luke enters the palace using his polished Jedi skills to have a face to face with Jabba. Delivering the hero ultimatum, which is to free all of us or die, Luke is left to face off with probably the ugliest creature of all time. Early in the film, we see this creature kill off an innocent woman that Jabba helped serve up. Luke looking for ways to escape out of this situation figures out a solution and ends up killing the hideous creature. An outraged Jabba decides that its time to dispose of these rebels and therefore begins the first ground battle scene and thank you Leia for choking the death out of Jabba the Hutt.

Luke heads to Dagobah one last time to find out of he is worthy of master jedi status and it is then when Yoda decides to take his leap into immortality and he also runs into his old, wise, immortal friend, Obi-Wan in the woods. Obi-Wan sets the record straight about Luke's dad and then too reveals that he has a sister. Oh who could it be?? With this new knowledge, he rejoins with the rebel team and they begin their two-part mission to destroy the new death star.

The final battle sequence is nothing short of spectacular. The Ewoks form and alliance with the Rebels thanks to C3PO being the deity of the Ewoks. Luke addresses Darth Vader as his father and in the final showdown between father and son, Luke in fit of rage over the possibilty of the Empire looking to persuade Leia to be part of the Dark Side, lobs off Daddy's electronic arm. The Emperor pleased with this show of hate and hopeful that Luke will join is displeased that Luke chooses to be a Jedi and then is tortured by the Emperor. That is when Anakin, wakes up and tosses the Emperor into an electric pit to face his maker.

While the basics of destroying the space station are the same in most of these episodes, the excitement build up and conclusions are heart-felt. The Jedis are back to the peacekeepers of the unverse, a new bond is formed in the Skywalker family by way of Leia and Han, and the immortal Jedis will support Luke in rebuilding the Jedi warriors again.

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