Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Girl Next Door

Year: 2004
Director: Luke Greenfield
Notable Actors/Actresses:
Elisha Cuthbert
Emile Hirsch
Timothy Olyphant

Last Viewed: 2009

Number of views: 15

This is a fun film to watch. As a young guy, we always dream of a situation such as the one depicted in this film. Maybe not nearly as intense when they decide to film a new-age sex ed tape during their prom while escorting porn stars to their prom. Or how about facing off with a psycho path because the girl of your dreams is a porn star trying to not be one and just wants to be a regular girl. These things are a bit intense for our lead, Matthew.

As the film carries on from the time when he is initially bit by the bug and gaining a new perspective on life through Danielle, its a complete scenario that some of us in some way wish to have. There is witty comedy throughout the film particularly when Timothy Olyphant's character is introduced and the situations these characters all get into together keep getting more interesting, uncomfortable, and just wow. You find yourself asking, really, did they really just do that?

Overall, I enjoy these types of films as there is a common theme in these particular types of movies where we all want to step outside of our boundaries and live an adventure outside the routine of life. I'll bring this idea up in some other films as well.

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