Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Year: 1990
Director: Martin Scorsese
Notable Actors/Actresses:
Robert DeNiro
Ray Liotta
Joe Pesci
Lorraine Bracco
Paul Sorvino

Last viewed: 6/22/11
Number of views: Lost count.

This is a film that I can watch over and over again, comfortably. A classic tale which, at times, had me wishing I led the life of either Henry Hill or Jimmy Conway during the earlier parts of the film. Of course, I don't want their lives towards the latter parts of the film. From the initial statement that Henry Hill makes at the beginning, this movie keeps your attention about the partly ficticious way of how Henry is groomed into the gangster lifestyle. There are some funny moments between the main characters, multitudes of crazy moments particularly with the introduction of adult Tommy, and of course the downfall of the illegal lifestyle where Henry loses it all. The narration by Ray Liotta is superb and really gives insight to his thought process based on the events he is either part of or not part of in the film.

The more times I see the film, I am amazed to see how many of the various actors in the film ended up supporting the popular TV series The Sopranos. Many of these actors include, Frank Vincent, Tony Sirico, Vincent Pastore, and Lorraine Bracco. Its either coincidental or masterful, take your pick. If you are looking for a modern day gangster film about the mob life post the film The Godfather, this movie is a good jump point.

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