Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Year: 1999
Director: George Lucas

Notable Actors/Actresses
Liam Neeson
Ewan McGregor
Natalie Portman
Samuel L. Jackson

Not exactly notable:
Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker

Last Viewed: 6/25/11
Number of views: 8

My wife has never seen any of the Star Wars movie series and I thought it would be best to show her the films in consecutive order and not in order of movie release date. I was faced with some scrutiny from my friends but I think it was a little more fun for my wife to see how the Skywalker family tree began.

The first episode, which focuses on Anakin at some point, starts us off with political turmoil in the Republic and the start of the downfall of the Republic. Depending on your viewpoint and your belief in the power of the "force", things are set in motion when trade federation begins to invade the planet Naboo led by the young Queen Amidala. As the Jedis, Qui-Gon and Obi-Won try to diplomatically discuss a peaceful resolution, another suspicious character begins to start pulling on the strings and starts the ball of disruption in motion.

As the initial parts of the movie passes on, we coincidentally meet Anakin and learn of his roots and also meet C-3PO and R2-D2. I feel this 1st movie in the series could be viewed as a great introduction to all the players involved in hopefully bringing balance to the force. Although if you haven't seen the latter chapters first, then you can't really be sure of exactly how.

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