Thursday, July 7, 2011

Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Year: 2005
Director: George Lucas

Notable Actors/Actresses
Hayden Christensen
Ewan McGregor
Natalie Portman
Samuel L. Jackson
Jimmy Smits

Last Viewed: 6/29/11
Number of Views: 6 - that should be enough but I respect Star Wars enough to put myself through the pain repeatedly.
Alrighty this is it. This is the episode that births Darth Vader. Probably the neatest 15 seconds when Anakin is masked in as Darth Vader. Sadly, the dialogue sequences between Anakin and Padme were more intolerable than in the last episode. The domestication of these two reached an all time low to really, REALLY stepping away from the impressive leadership and respectful qualities both these individuals have yet, like a high school crush, defer their traits to pettiness and nonsense. Even Anakin's dialogue reveals a true childishness and lacks the worthiness of becoming a Master Jedi or consideration to become one.

The overall tone of this episode is dark as it should be and the final action sequence of this film was done very nicely with decent intensity. Could the ending have been any more lame than it was? Possibly but the lameness factor was high enough as Padme advises Obi Wan that Anakin can still be saved. Shortly followed she proceeds to birth and name the twins: Luke and Leia. Then she dies just upon their birthing. To protect them from possible discovery by the Empire, it is decided by Yoda and Obi Wan to split up the children. Obi Wan watches over Luke from afar as he sent to live with his step-uncle and step-aunt and Leia is raised by a political family.Yoda goes into hiding which is later revealed in the upcoming or already established episodes IV, V, and VI.

I was saddened by the loss of Mace Windu played by Samuel L. who was betrayed by Anakin... Jerk.

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