Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Year: 2002
Director: George Lucas

Notable Actors/Actresses
Hayden Christensen
Ewan McGregor
Natalie Portman
Samuel L. Jackson
Jimmy Smits
Rose Byrne

Last Viewed: 6/27/11
Number of views: 7

First, the romance. Expectedly, things heat up between the young, hormonal, Anakin, soon to be the greatest yet worse Jedi ever and Padme now Senator Amidala from Naboo. I think the romantic interlude in this film is just an interruption in the rather exciting parts of the film. It's lovely they take their vows in secrecy but there are bigger things going on in the galaxy right now.

As Yoda had mentioned, that the Dark side tends to work in very mysterious ways. This episode is closing in on that plan as the Chancellor begins to extend his interest and confidence in Anakin for the future fate of the Republic. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Obi-Wan is confirmed as a Jedi Master and accepts Anakin as his apprentice. While Anakin feels he, at times, is stronger than Obi-Wan needless to say, he still is not at master status yet and it shows as he gives into his fears and searches for his mother who was imprisoned by Tusken Raiders. He kills all of them and thus the seeds of the Dark side start setting in.

An incident in the earlier part of the movie, revealed a clue about a missing planet Kamino, where the clones are made. On this planet, we learn of Jango Fett, the model of the clones and father of famous bounty hunter Bobo Fett. Obi-Wan learns that the Republic put in an order for Clone Army by way of a dead Jedi council member. Yoda's gears begin churning as he learns of this information and is trying to piece together what all of this is leading to.

The greatest part of this film, excluding the moment that arrogant Anakin loses his arm in a light saber battle with Count Dooku, is when Yoda takes on Count Dooku in a show of knowledge of the force and the awesomeness of the close to 700 year old Yoda. Things begin the end on a somewhat darker note for the key characters revealing how these first 3 episode might conclude.

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