Friday, June 24, 2011

127 Hours

Year: 2010
Director: Danny Boyle
Notable Actors/Actresses:
James Franco
Amber Tamblyn

Last Viewed: 6/24/11
Number of views: 1

I think its pretty clear that Aron was in a tight spot. It was good that he had some items to keep him some company and to help get through it. These are the films that I find myself asking, "what would I do if that happened to me? " I can assure you, I enjoy looking at Mother Nature's work from a flat, level, and safe surface. In short, I wouldn't be in that situation and I can live with that. Aron's only hope was to be rescued by two ladies he helped out earlier in the day. They invited him to a party later that evening before he got stuck. Unfortunately that quick meet did not leave enough of a lasting impression for them to check back on him.

Aron's continual survival is further dependent on his ability to divert his mind from this isolated situation with random memories, dreams, and, his hallucinations and partial psychosis. He does get free obviously for a small and painful price. This film reminded me of Zemeckis' Cast Away. Tom Hanks had the better situation by being stranded on an island and to roam freely but overall both were left to lose something and then eventually to leave it all behind and start anew. I'm glad that Aron lived to tell his story but I don't think I will need to see this one again.

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