Friday, July 8, 2011

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Year: 1980
Director: Irwin Kershner

Notable Actors/Actresses
Mark Hamill
Harrison Ford
Carrie Fisher
Billy Dee Williams
James Earl Jones - voice of Darth Vader

Last Viewed: 7/2/11
Number of views: 45 or more

My second favorite film of all the Star Wars episodes. Perhaps a change in director did the franchise some good because this film has some fantastic battles sequences as well as great locations and details. Considering the time period and how much technology was available at that time, I would have to say this movie was a tad ahead of its time.

This film begins on an artic-like planet known as Hoth. Han and Luke are making routine survelliance checks around the perimeter of the new rebel base. As Han heads back to the base, Luke is soon attacked by a Wampa, a nasty looking creature that inhabits the planet. Regaining his consciousness, he uses some of his Jedi skill to escape the Wampa hideout and proceeds to flee in subzero weather conditions. Before losing his consciousness again, he is advised by Obi-Wan to go to the Dagobah system and seek out Yoda to finish the Jedi training. Han soon rescues Luke and the next day, they end up in an air to ground battle with the Empire.

The key focus point of this episode is the fight between good and evil via father and son. In one corner, we have the Emperor coaching Darth Vader and in the other corner, Yoda coaching Luke. In order for Luke to truly be a Jedi, he needs to overcome his fear which he discovers is Darth Vader. The Emperor discusses with Darth Vader the possibilities of recruiting Luke to join them on the Dark Side of the Force and how powerful they could become. This becomes an intriguing though for Vader and thus waits for the opportunity to discuss the future with Luke. The result: a lightsaber battle between Luke and Vader which during this time a shocking detail is revealed to Luke that Vader is Luke's father. With this news, Luke is quite distraught, makes it clear he won't join the Dark Side, and within an instant is without a right hand. Note to self, don't say not to Daddy while he is Darth Vader. A possessed Daddy doesn't like that.

The ending of this film, ends in a bit of trickery and tragedy as Lando Calrissian is sought out to help the rebels only to find out that Lando double crosses in support of Darth Vader and resulting in getting Han placed in a casing of carbonite. He is then delivered to Jabba the Hutt. How does this all conclude? It sooo suspensful...really.

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