Friday, July 22, 2011

Bowling for Columbine

Year: 2002
Director: Michael Moore
Notable Actors/Actresses:
Michael Moore
George W. Bush, think about it.
Charlton Heston
Matt Stone

Last Viewed: Can't exactly remember, but I think I saw it again earlier this year.

Number of views: 5-6

I remember being in college when news of the Columbine incident broke out. This event was horrific on different levels and Michael Moore helps us shed some light on this sad tragedy and its causes.
Michael Moore always does a fantastic job of bringing to light these challenging and tough issues while a camera is rolling. He does a great job of picking apart interesting facts that we aren't addressing and discussing them in an enlightening and, often times, in comical ways. This film continues that tradition and style.

Michael discusses how tragic the shooting was at Columbine and walks the halls of Columbine high school which has a similar setting in nearly every high school. While he interviews a few kids to find out what the assailants were like and why they committed this act, he starts to see if there is something we can do about it. In the meanwhile, the movie discusses how many guns are out on the street in the United States, the psychology behind the necessity of owning a gun, and ultimately his final encounter hoping to persuade Charlton Heston, the head of the NRA to endorse a pact to stop selling guns.

The biggest triumph in the film is when he takes two kids that were in the shooting to the headquarters of Kmart in an attempt to ask them to give them a refund for the bullets or remove the bullets from the shelves. After a little persistence from Michael and these kids, Kmart does oblige and does remove the bullets from all the store shelves. Clearly the company did not want any negative press from this episode but it was a big victory for these two kids. Needless to say, its only a tiny piece of a very large issue that only we the people can control, in the end.

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