Friday, July 22, 2011


Year: 2003
Director: Patty Jenkins
Notable Actors/Actresses:
Charlize Theron
Christina Ricci
Bruce Dern

Last Viewed: 2005

Number of views: 2
I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started watching this one. First and foremost, the academy award should go to the make-up artist who made Charlize look nothing like her stunning and beautiful self. I was taken aback and horrified but still proceeded on with the viewing.

I remember not paying attention too much to the opening portion of the film. I got the gist that Charlize's character Aileen, was just a trashy lady that involved herself in the hooker trade. I started to pay attention when she had a session go bad, sparing the graphic details, and causing Aileen to be in bad way psychologically and physically. She did receive some comfort from young Christina Ricci's character, Selby. As they begin to have a closed doors, lesbian relationship, Selby tries to soften up Aileen and make her believe that things will be okay if they have each other. This budding relationship enpowers Aileen to help take care of Selby by resuming the hooking profession but proves to be difficult for Aileen due to the emotional scarring from the previous session.Therefore she became defensive to the extent of committing murders at the conclusion of these post-traumatic sessions.

The film is based on a true story and anyone can read up on the factual details online. This film did do a good job in capturing those terrible events and making them visual in a way that makes a person wonder, why are there people like this in society. Everyone has their place but fail to realize that the world is what you make of it and there is always a better way if you work towards that. On a side note, you won't catch me checking this film out many more times as I just can't stomach some of the scenes in this one and overall material of this one.

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